Cultural Corner – June

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Words From Sandy

Chinese Airline Serves Baffled Passengers ‘dog food’ In Awkward Translation Blunder

Plane passengers were left baffled after they were offered “imported dog food” on their flight as a menu option, rather than more palatable dishes you would usually tuck into. When flying business class, passengers tend to expect a range of fancy dishes to be served up. But when dog food appeared as an option, alongside “smoke pepper beef” and “cucumber,” people were left with many questions.


Someone saw the opportunity to make a pun, commenting: “Dog food can be canned and is safe to eat. If imported, it can have high safety standards. Standards that are through the woof.” A fan backed the airline though, saying that they loved flying with them – but there were no excuses for the bad translation.

– from (11/20/23)

Full Article Here!

Cultural Corner

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